Thursday, December 4, 2008

4 Weeks Post Op

A week back to work and I was very self conscious. Although I'm allowed to eat soft foods it's not a pretty sight. Its a victory to just get the food into my mouth - slide it through the small opening and then my teeth don't know what to do. I wouldn't exactly call what I'm doing "chewing." I'm trying to stay very low key and not have to explain my absence too many times. I didn't feel ready to go back yet, but it worked out okay. It built my confidence a bit to realize that I at least wasn't stopping people in their tracks. Twice I was asked if I had gotten Botox because of my limited facial movements. Too funny. But it makes sense when you're all swelled up it puffs out any wrinkles and without being able to smile your eyes don't crinkle either. My coworkers kept saying I looked so "fresh." But of course they were seeing me with makeup to cover up the black eyes and I had just gotten my highlights done.

I can get one finger in my mouth this week. Oh and the orthodontist took out some more stitches and it freakin' hurt!! But what a relief though - the ones inside my upper lip directly under my nose are causing a lot of swelling and tenderness there.

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